
The CEN Extended Electromagnetic Spectrum (CEES)

A comprehensive (full) electromagnetic (EM) spectrum containing all possible EM radiations, including the currently known regions of the EM spectrum (RMIVUXG) and unknown regions, such as those of ordinary (baryonic) matter, antimatter, dark matter (non-baryonic matter), dark antimatter, and others. CEES is the Electromagnetic Spectrum of Everything (EMoE), an aspect of Consciousness Physics, the Physics of Everything (PoE), in the Theory of Everything (TOE).

Current (Mainstream) Electromagnetic Spectrum

This is referred to as the RMIVUXG spectrum or RMIVUXGC/RMIVUXGCs spectrum (including cosmic rays) in this Project: 

EM Spectrum
The Electromagnetic (EM) Spectrum — RMIVUXG | Credit: NASA
RMIVUXG means – Radio, Microwave, Infrared, Visible, Ultraviolet, X-Rays, Gamma

Preliminary CEES Framework in Consciousness Physics 

With the aim of measuring conwaves emitted by complex systems, shown below is the first set of diagrams designed as the extended EM spectrum in the first phase of CENProject that involved developing the Physics of Consciousness:

CEN Extended EM Spectrum
CEN Extended EM Spectrum
CEN Extended EM Spectrum
CEN Extended EM Spectrum
CEN Extended EM Spectrum
CEN Extended EM Spectrum: ConRMIVUXGC Spectrum

CEES Framework in Consciousness Mechanics

In a further attempt to measure conwaves emitted by complex systems and study the interactions of these EM waves with matter, antimatter, dark matter, dark antimatter, shown below is the second set of diagrams designed as the CEN extended EM spectrum in the second phase of this Project, which involves developing the mathematical basis of Consciousness Physics — Consciousness Mechanics:  

The CEN Extended Electromagnetic Spectrum (CEES)
The CEN Extended Electromagnetic Spectrum (CEES)
Consciousness Region of the CEN Extended EM Spectrum

The Periodic Table of Lifeforms on Earth (PTL)

This is a periodic table of living organisms on this planet based on their level of consciousness and other key factors essential to life.


The Theory of Everything (TOE): CEN or the Multiverses

The Theory of Everything (TOE): Also called the Whole of Existence (WoE) or CEN in this emerging field of Theoretical Physics, TOE is the study or an attempt to model the absolute vacuum or CEN (the Whole of Existence or the Multiverses). All disciplines, courses, and forms of knowledge involve studying this single system, CEN or the absolute vacuum in different ways or using different approaches peculiar to those disciplines or fields. The program of building the TOE can be seen as linking or weaving all disciplines and fields together using cen to form a single framework, just like it is done when constructing the TEPET Fractal, which is the emblem or logo of CENProject.

TEPET Fractal
TEPET Fractal: The TOE (CEN)

References for the EM Spectrum Designs

‌Di Bartolo, B. (2018). Classical Theory Of Electromagnetism. (3rd ed.). World Scientific.

Dreamtime (nd). Science Electromagnetic Spectrum.

Manning, C. (2021). Electromagnetic Spectrum. NASA. NASA.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). (nd)

Online Learning College. (2022). The electromagnetic spectrum.

Shankar, R. (2019). Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics, Relativity, and Thermodynamics. Expanded Edition. Yale University Press.

Steven, W. E. (2018). Electromagnetics, Volume 1 (BETA). Virginia Tech University Libraries

Ward, L. P. (2021). The Ozone Depletion Theory of Global Warming: What is Electromagnetic Radiation? Ozonedepletiontheory.

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